Friday, March 8, 2013

Russell Crowe's UFO

Update on this post: Russell Crowe's manager, Grant Vandenberg, informed the Telegraph that Russell's story is a fib. The movie star did not shoot this footage. These images are the work of famous cinematographer Duane Manwiller. Manwiller shot the footage four years ago! Vandenberg has no idea why Russell Crowe decided to post this footage on Twitter and claim otherwise.

What is going on here??? I wonder what Duane Manwiller has to say about all this?

(Credit: ParallelUniverse1234/YouTube Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)

[Previously Reported]

So here is the UFO Russell Crowe (yes the actor, Russell Crowe, The Gladiator) caught on time laspe video. His story is pretty plain and simple. Crowe and a friend had set up a time lapse video outside his office in the Sydney district of Wooloomooloo to capture pictures of fruit bats. When they came back to view what they caught on camera they were pleasantly surprised by a UFO!

It definitely looks awesome, artistically, but I have another explanation. If not a legitimate UFO, it might be a helicopter whizzing by with it's search light on...

Apparently Crowe has a movie coming out, or it has come out already, or something, I didn't even know did you? And when I searched for the name of the new movie, I couldn't find it very easily so I gave up after my two second google search. Some are reporting that this might be a publicity stunt for his new movie since it's not getting a lot of advertising, but I really do believe he was honestly wondering what this glowing object was. We can at least thank him for keeping an open mind and not ruling out extraterrestrials as a possibility.


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